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Ministero dell’Interno (Ministry of Interior of Italy)

minint light

Rome – Italy


The Italian Ministry of Interior (MININT) offers the expertise of two civil protection agencies at the national level which represent two branches of first responders: fire brigades and police force. These agencies cooperate with emergency medical services and provide assistance to citizens on a daily basis. The Department of Fire Corps, Public Rescue and Civil Defence (Dipartimento dei Vigili del Fuoco, del Soccorso Pubblico e della Difesa Civile) deals with the organisation and provision of services concerning prevention, rescue and relief activities in case of natural calamities or technological disasters.

The Department of Public Security (Dipartimento della Pubblica Sicurezza) deals with all the activities related to the management of public order and security, technical and operational coordination of law enforcement agencies, management of the Italian State Police (Polizia di Stato) and other relevant technical services.

The Department of Fire Corps brings its extensive expertise in interoperability, while the State Police staff offers its expertise in disaster victim identification to the NIGHTINGALE project.


MININT helps to define triage protocols, damage control and pre-hospitalisation processes and to formulate requirements and future needs of technologies for first responders. Based on its accumulated knowledge in coordinating emergency services, MININT will provide input on field data analysis and AI training.

MININT efforts will also focus on using its expertise in field integration and testing of the NIGHTINGALE toolkit by actively participating in small-scale and large-scale exercises. In addition, MININT supports communication and dissemination of the project results.